An initiative of Meridian CUSD 101

“Meridian is like family.” I hear that in meeting after meeting here in our District. But I also hear it when I travel outside of our District and find myself talking with other educators and superintendents. And, like any family, we will have our disagreements and difficulties but, in the end, we are there for one another. We come together as that village to help weather tough times and prepare for what’s next.
From the Superintendent

They are the reason we’ve all chosen to come together and make this place the best we can make it, and through those efforts, we’re becoming better too.

We’ve taken the best of that tradition and folded it into opportunity for every Meridian student with curriculum, social services, extracurricular programming, and post-secondary guidance. Even the name of our magazine — Fusion — implies a blending of our school with the community it serves beyond the walls of our buildings.
We are family and in this issue we get a glimpse into just how interwoven that looks. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it dozens more times before I’m through, but I am immensely proud of this school community, our engaged parents and guardians, our teachers, our administrators, the support staff, our transportation and our maintenance teams, our professional and paraprofessional team members, and, of course, our students. They are the reason we’ve all chosen to come together and make this place the best we can make it, and through those efforts, we’re becoming better too.
Already nearly halfway through the school year, we have made enormous strides in our partnership with Shawnee Community College, our guidance efforts, our engaged classrooms and organizations, and so much more. But we’re not stopping there; we continue to rise. Because that’s what family does. #bobcatsrising